What types of projects do we do specifically?
At first, our founders aimed to set up a consultancy for members of nearby neighborhood-members who want install solar PV on their homes. By providing an expertise on the projects and issues, as well as connections to solar installers in the area, our team is able provide homeowners with the comfort to use this renewable technology. We continue that effort, but have now expanded into new ventures.
Members of our international Initiatives teams focus on off-grid solar and other technology projects in the developing world. In the past, we have sent members to Haiti, Malawi and the Ivory Coast. Our Campus Sustainability team works hard to promote sustainable practices and innovations on campus. This team is working on decreasing the University’s usage of fossil fuels through the installation of occupancy sensors. Clean tech on the Hilltop is our team focused on bringing new and innovative technology to campus. This team has completed an installation of solar panels on University-owned townhouses in conjunction with the Green Revolving Loan Fund, and hopes to move forward with more installations.

An ongoing project aims to conserve energy usage through revamping lights on campus to LEDs. This year, we are expanding the project from our pilot classroom White Gravenor 311 to the entire building. Upon collaborations with Georgetown alumni, Office of Facilities and Office of Sustainability, we are now in the stage of making agreement with the university through the sponsorship of the Green Fund. The next building on our list is Building D in the Medical Center.

Our water conservation team seeks to encourage more sustainable water use at Georgetown through advocacy and working with the administration. Currently, we are working with administrators to oversee a grant which will retrofit some water fixtures at Georgetown and monitor energy and water savings. We are also collecting extensive data about the state of the University’s water use practices and proposing ways of improving these practices.

GREEN members Lauren Gros and Matt Maury, along with alumni Naman Trivedi and Ximena Dure, spent two weeks in May working on a biodigester project with farmers in Paraguay. Biodigesters are elongated bags that convert livestock waste to methane for cooking and fertilizer for farming. The technology can help alleviate health problems associated with cooking using open fires, environmental issues from the cooking, water pollution from waste runoff, and gender inequalities due to collecting firewood (biodigesters reduce such a necessity). Our goal was to address all these issues by providing biodigesters (and installations) to the farmers, as well as to study the specific economic and social impact the technology has on our subjects in particular. We look forward to staying in contact with these individuals and helping promote a more sustainable future for them and the planet.

The recycling team aims to promote recycling awareness and behavior at Georgetown. We realized there are many questions and confusions about how to properly recycle. We are currently working to create a How To Recycle 101 poster that will clarify those confusions and also include instructions on how to recycle electronic waste.

The volunteering team is focused on getting groups of people involved in off campus events run by organizations in the Washington, DC area related to the environment and sustainability. For example, in the past we participated in an invasive species removal and a park clean up and this year we have planned a tree planting event and litter clean ups on the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers.

This project aims to save water and promote water bottle usage on campus by installing more water bottle refilling stations. We have selected certain models and are in the process of selecting installation places on campus.

In the past, we’ve worked with a variety of organizations around the District, including DC Sun, Lighthouse Solar, Nextility, and the Georgetown Business Improvement District. We’ve encouraged non-profits to adopt solar and helped coordinate a solar co-op in the Georgetown community.
Our focus for 2016 is to improve energy efficiency for local businesses by conducting energy assessments through the Green Impact Campaign. Then, we will work with businesses to implement easy fixes that will reduce their utility costs and reduce their carbon footprint.

In the past, the team has traveled to Haiti (2010,2013,2014) to install solar charging stations and to the Ivory Coast (2014) to conduct surveys of entrepreneurs interested in utilizing solar. The team has also worked on energy efficiency projects for the Malawian government. Our projects are usually off-grid and help those most vulnerable to high levels of emissions from fossil fuels.

The organic waste team aims to restructure how Georgetown approaches food and food waste at Georgetown. Currently, we are aiming to improve gardening on campus, increase the availability and awareness for composting, and educate undergraduates on the importance and viability of a sustainable food system.

The education and advocacy team is centered around informing the campus community on sustainability, conservation, renewable energy, and other environmental issues that impact the university as well as the global community. To do so, we engage with the local community, host events and panel discussions, and foster communication on these important topics, in an effort to raise awareness and advocate for positive change. We also focus research on groundbreaking new technologies and how they can be integrated around the Georgetown campus.
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